Be sure to vote on November 7, 2023!
Photography by John Houchin

Sue Spang
First Selectwoman & Board of Education (6 years)
• 36-year resident of Salem • Proud parent of two graduates of Salem School and East Lyme High School. • Served on the Recreation Commission for 16 years, 15 as Chairperson. • Oversaw the installation of the Babe Ruth Field, Volunteer Park, the refurbishing of the Round Hill Road playscape and the creation of the tennis and basketball courts. • As Chairperson of the Multi-Purpose Path Committee, I personally wrote competitive grants and received over $500,000 for construction of the path, including a community-built bridge • Other volunteer activities include working on Emergency Management, the 2012 Plan of Conservation and Development, Registrar of Voters, Open Space Committee Member and Municipal Agent for the Elderly, where I proactively sought out training by TVCCA to conduct intake for heating assistance for our residents. • I am currently Vice Chairman of the Board of Education. • As Personnel Committee Chairperson, we successfully settled contracts that were under the state average. Interests include bee keeping, photography and quilting. • "As First Selectperson, I will continue to build on my 20+ years of experience of working together in cooperation, respect, and transparency. Uniting Salem for a Stronger Community." I PLEDGE TO: • Open the Salem, CT Government Charter for revisions • Settle the GLFD lawsuit • Review the Emergency Study for possible committee • Institute policies for appointments • Institute a policy for the Needy Fund • Train/educate board and commission chairman on roles and responsibilities and on town processes • Secure ongoing education on FOIA • Build better working relationships with all town volunteer groups • Foster more transparency, especially where town finances are concerned • Ensure respectful dialog at town meetings and public hearings • Endeavor to share services within town and with others towns • Review Town Ordinances • Form a Cemetery Committee

Leslie Hotary
• 17-year resident of Salem Parent to Salem School and ELHS graduate • Current Secretary of the Salem Democratic Town Committee • Current Salem Rep to the Advisory Board of the Southeastern CT Water Authority • BS, SUNY at Stony Brook, MS Purdue University Pfizer Retiree with 20 years line management experience • Former Visiting Instructor and Administrator at Purdue University • "Excited to bring educational, management, and business skills to the Salem BOS."

Kay Zak
Selectwoman & Board of Assessment Appeals
• 7-year resident of Salem • Currently serving on the Salem Board of Assessment Appeals + Vice Chair for the Salem Democratic Town Committee. • Serves as the Salem Senior’s Activity Director, and am a member of the Salem Lion’s Club, Friends of the Salem Library, and the Salem Cemetery Cleanup Organizer with Salem VFW. • Has served on the Salem Unsung Hero Committee since 2019. • "I am proud to bring my natural organizational skills to Salem—these include: managing time effectively, prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and developing systems for achieving those goals. Other skills are juggling multiple responsibilities simultaneously, staying focused on deadlines and handling complex projects efficiently and most importantly working tirelessly with everyone."

Matt Rucci
Board of Finance
• 11-year resident of Salem • Parent to Salem School students • BS, Business Management from Providence College; MBA, concentration in Finance from U of Hartford • IT professional with multi-sector experience • 2-year member of the Board of Finance • "I'm excited to continue to work to guide Salem’s finances."

Kate Belleville
Board of Finance
• 25-year resident of Salem • Parent to 3 Salem School and ELHS graduates • BS in Physical Therapy UCONN; MS in Allied Health with focus in Administration UCONN • Has served as Alternate on BOF for past 2 budget cycles and is interested and motivated to continue as a BOF member and collaborate with other members, other town Boards, and citizens to provide a responsible budget that will best serve all Salem residents • "I'm excited to continue to work to guide Salem’s finances."

Kelly Francis
Board of Education (6 year)
• 7-year resident of Salem • Parent to 3 Salem School and ELHS students • Currently serving on the Salem Board of Education Has been an educator for 17 years, • BS in Elementary Education from the University of New Orleans • MA in Science and Math Education from Walden University. • Currently pursuing Educational Administration certification from Liberty University. • "I pledge to continually keep our students’ best interest at the forefront of my work."

Dennis Girard
Board of Assessment Appeals (Alt, member to fill a vacancy)
• 36-year Salem Resident • Proud parent of two Salem School and ELHS graduates. • Earned a BA degree in Biology (Microbiology) from UCONN and an MS degree in Immunology from the University of Hartford. • Prior to retirement, he was a Senior Principal Research Scientist at Pfizer Global Research and Development in Groton where he headed a Preclinical Infectious Diseases lab researching the PK/PD properties of newly discovered antimicrobial agents for 35 years. • Was involved with Boy Scouts and Little League baseball for many years. He is a 4th degree member of the KofC in Colchester serving as the Advocate Officer, this council is involved with many charitable activities serving the public as well as Guardian Angels parish throughout the year and have served at the Covenant Soup Kitchen. • Also serves as Lector and Eucharistic Minister for St Andrew Church. • “I look forward to serving the Town of Salem and learning about the assessment appeals process.”

Jen Lindo
Planning & Zoning
• 50-year Salem Resident • Salem School and East Lyme High School Graduate and Parent to Salem School and ELHS Graduate • Previously served on the Planning and Zoning Commission • Currently employed as a Zoning Enforcement Official for multiple towns • Previously employed for 16 years for the Town of East Lyme Land Use offices working directly with officials, applicants, and commissions. • Currently hold multiple certifications including Aquifer Protection, Inland Wetland Agent and AZT • "Personal interest in Salem and professional education and career uniquely prepared me for this role"

Gary Closius
Planning & Zoning
• 25-year resident of Salem. • Moved to Salem for its excellent school system and rural small-town environment. • Parent to two Salem School and ELHS graduates. • Currently serve Salem as an Alternate Member of the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as an active volunteer for Care and Share of East Lyme and Salem, President of the Salem Senior Citizens Group, a Lions Club member, and a member of the Friends of the Salem Library. Served Salem’s Cub Scout/Boy Scouting community for more than 20 years. • BS, Nuclear Science from State University of New York Maritime College. Held a U.S. Coast Guard 3rd Assistant Engineer License, and a Commission in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Retiree from Millstone Nuclear Power Station after 43 years of service with more than 20 years managing department personnel and a multi-million-dollar budget and advising executive and line management on the interpretation of, and compliance with, NRC, other federal, state, and regional agencies’ regulations. • "Excited to continue to work for Salem residents to ensure the Planning and Zoning Commission provides clear regulations and consistent interpretation of those regulations to effectively manage Salem’s growth consistent with Salem residents’ wants and needs."

David Bingham
Zoning Board of Appeals, Alternate
• Roots in Salem since Colonial days. • Attended Salem School (as did 3 children and a grandson) • Served as an elected member of the Salem Planning and Zoning Commission for over 35 years. • Volunteer of the nonprofit Salem Land Trust, which maintains miles of public trails, negotiating land acquisitions and fundraising efforts for local land protection and stewardship Worked for federal designation, serving on the local Eightmile River Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee •“The Zoning Board of Appeals assures the fair and legal application of zoning regulations needed to preserveSalem’s future – its rural character, economy, remarkable natural beauty, and wildlife - in the face of the growing impacts of climate change.”

Tony Griggs
Zoning Board of Appeals
• Parent to 2 Salem School graduates • Became one of the technical members of the original Virtual Town Meeting (VTM. Ran the VTM system for several town meetings with Chris Regan. Maintained and upgraded the Town Office VTM system. • BSEE / MSEE with 40+ years experience in electronic design, embedded systems and software. • Licensed radio amateur (AA1JN). • Currently serving volunteer as a Steward for Salem Land Trust and on the Board of Directors for the Eightmile River Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee • "I believe that my time as a Salem resident with my exposure to land use issues from SLT and ERWSCC gives me a background to resolve zoning issues. Salem School and the community environment are beneficial for families."

Kimberly Bradley
Planning and Zoning Commission, Alternate
• 8-year resident of Salem • Parent to two Salem School Students • Previously served as chair of the Inland Wetland and Conservation Commission • Holds a Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science in Environmental Sciences from the University of Connecticut • Currently employed as for the CTDEEP Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Division of State Parks and Public Outreach • Currently serving volunteer on the Board of Directors for the Eightmile River Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee • Currently holds multiple certifications including Inland Wetland, Wetland Delineation, Youth Coaching certifications • Holds and has served as in leaderships role as a volunteer for regional Land Trusts, Educational Programs and Cycling organizations. • "I am a dedicated Salem resident willing to bring my professional knowledge and experience, particularly working on complex issues with diverse partners, to the Commission."

Kevin Milligan
Zoning Board of Appeals, Alternate
• 6-year resident of Salem. • He has 15-years’ experience as a Firefighter / EMT. • Currently working locally at a Nuclear Facility. • “I am Looking forward to learning more about the inner workings of the Town of Salem.”

Flora Drapeau
Library Board of Directors
• 42-year resident of Salem Parent to Salem School and ELHS graduates • BS, SCSU, MS Loyola, MS WCSU • Special Education Teacher, Daycare Provider, Nurse Practitioner • Active Volunteer for Care and Share of East Lyme and Salem, Mitchell Farm, Salem Land Trust Member and Friends of Salem Library x15 years • "It would be a privilege to serve the Salem community and to ensure the library continues to grow and flourish."

Becky Nortz
Library Board of Directors Member
• 37-year resident of Salem and a 45-year resident of CT • Proud parent of two Salem School and ELHS graduates • Former Salem Girl Scout Troop Leader for 17 years with two troops for four of those years. One of her troops produced the first 3 Girl Scout Gold Award recipients from a Salem troop. • Has served on the Zoning Board of Appeals since the early 1990s including several years serving as chair, and is currently an alternate member. • Earned a BS from St. Lawrence University. • Recently retired from a career in pharmaceutical research and regulatory affairs. • “The library serves everyone in the community and it would be an honor and a privilege to assist the library in continuing to thrive.”

Jeanette Girard
Library Board of Directors
(Full member to fill a vacancy)
• 36-year resident of Salem • Proud parent to two Salem School and ELHS graduates. • Has been the Salem Seniors Group Secretary since 2019. • Earned a BA degree in biological sciences from UCONN and a MS from ECSU. • Formerly a middle school science teacher in Colchester for 28 years and a mentor teacher for many years as part of the state of CT BEST Program. • Has volunteered in many ways including Girl Scouts and preparing meals for a soup kitchen. • In retirement, she spends her time serving in various roles at her church, reading, biking and canoeing. • “I believe my volunteer and educational experiences will be helpful in working together with the library board members to expand and support the array of outstanding services and programs offered at Salem Free Public Library.”